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The Society’s political action efforts represent a key element in the Society’s overall government relations program. 


Join the leaders of the CPA profession who understand the value 
of a strong political voice in the Nebraska Legislature.

Click below to contribute online or write a check payable to:
Nebraska Society of CPAs PEC
7435 O Street, Suite 100
Lincoln, NE 68510

We encourage you to become actively involved in the political process. 

What Is PEC?

Established in 1982, the Nebraska Society of CPAs' Political Education Committee (PEC) is dedicated to the protection, preservation, and furtherance of the free enterprise system, to the strengthening of the American economic system, and, in particular, to the protection and advancement of the certified public accounting profession. The committee collects and distributes financial contributions to state legislative candidates for the Nebraska Unicameral to further those objectives.

How Does PEC Benefit CPAs?

PEC provides CPAs with an opportunity to support candidates who understand the special needs and concerns of CPAs and to hold candidates accountable for their actions as legislators. 

By supporting the Political Education Committee, we hope our members will be more likely to vote and communicate with elected officials to express their opinions on issues important to the CPA profession.

How Are PEC Contributions Used?

  • PEC helps ensure that your individual political contribution works harder and goes further by combining it with the contributions of other CPAs.
  • Our system of government depends on the willingness of individuals to seek elected positions without fear of personal financial sacrifice. The Society's PEC provides CPAs with the opportunity to support candidates who understand the profession.
  • PEC contributions have a statewide impact on political campaigns and expand our influence beyond individual legislative districts.

Who Can Contribute to PEC?

  • Individual contributions are those made with a member’s individual personal funds in their name.
  • Corporate contributions are those made in the member’s name with funds from a member’s firm or business.

PEC Articles of Organization