Sponsor an Event
Drive sales by sponsoring or exhibiting at a Society event.
Sponsorships Available!
Increase your organization’s exposure, heighten your brand recognition, and drive sales by claiming your sponsorship or exhibit space at one of the Nebraska Society of CPAs’ annual conferences or events. Each opportunity is designed to help your corporate message effectively reach Nebraska’s CPAs. Please let us know which sponsorships and conferences you are interested in today!

Speaker Sponsorship - $2,000 (minimum)
- Company logo on event webpage, promotional emails, social media promotions, and conference materials
- Signage recognizing your company's sponsorship will be placed at each table
- Mention of your company during the conference
- Complimentary attendance for one company representative
Food & Beverage Sponsorship - $1,000
- Company logo on signage near food and beverages—choose from coffee, breakfast, lunch, snacks, or reception, if applicable
- Company logo on conference materials
- Mention of your company during the conference
- Complimentary attendance for one company representative
Webcast Sponsorship - $950
- Sponsor an educational webcast and get your company's name and professional expertise in front of Nebraska CPAs.
- Qualified representatives from sponsoring companies have the opportunity to share their knowledge with our members for a 50-minute (1-hour) CPE webcast.
Conference Exhibitor - $750
- Company logo on conference materials
- Tabletop display area
- Opportunity to provide giveaways to attendees
- Complimentary attendance for one company representative; additional exhibitor representatives are $125/person
Charging Station Sponsorship - $500
- Company logo on signage at Charging Station
- Mention of your company during the conference
Candy Station Sponsorship - $500
- Company logo on signage at Candy Station
- Mention of your company during the conference
Virtual Conference Sponsorship - $500
- Company logo and contact information included in event promotion emails and during the beginning and end of the virtual conference