Boards & Committees
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Participation on boards and committees is an opportunity to further develop your leadership skills and gain a broader perspective of the CPA profession while influencing a profession that touches the lives of nearly every Nebraskan. Committees meet two to three times per year. Volunteer for a committee by calling the Nebraska Society of CPAs at (402) 476-8482, emailing, or clicking below to complete the form.
AICPA Leadership Academy
The AICPA Leadership Academy is a four-day program for emerging professionals designed to expose participants to a strong ethic of leadership and service. Since its inception in 2009, the program has had more than 450 graduates nationwide, including the 10 Nebraska graduates listed below. Click here to learn more about the AICPA Leadership Academy.
Accounting Careers
The Accounting Careers Committee introduces Nebraska high school and college students to the diverse and expanding opportunities available in the accounting profession today.
Board of Directors - Society
The Nebraska Society of CPAs Board of Directors meets four times a year and is the official decision-making body of the Society. The board approves the budget, sets member dues, and makes other policy decisions.
Board of Trustees - Foundation
The Board of Trustees supports excellence in the CPA profession and helps grow the CPA pipeline by overseeing the Foundation of the Nebraska Society of CPAs. Each year, the Foundation provides thousands of dollars in financial assistance to numerous accounting students at colleges and universities throughout Nebraska.
Business & Industry
The Business & Industry Committee plans the annual Business & Industry Conference held in late April, works to stimulate interest and participation in the Society by business and industry members, and fosters interaction between members in business and industry through educational and networking events.
CPA Licensure Task Force
The CPA Licensure Task Force is charged with exploring the feasibility and implications of implementing an alternative pathway to CPA licensure in Nebraska. This task force will evaluate potential models, consider input, and ensure any recommendations align with the evolving needs of the profession while maintaining the high standards of the CPA designation.
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
The Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Committee helps plan the Society’s yearly schedule of CPE courses, helping member CPAs to enhance their professional skills, better serve their clients, and improve the professional image of Nebraska CPAs.
The Ethics Committee investigates and disposes of ethics complaints within the Joint Ethics Enforcement Program (JEEP), monitors developments in the area of professional ethics, and informs the Society membership of official changes in the AICPA Code of Ethics and Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct.
Fall Conference
The Fall Conference Committee plans and promotes the Society’s annual Fall Conference held in late October and participates in the administration of that event, which is held in conjunction with the Society’s Annual Meeting.
Governmental Accounting & Auditing
The Governmental Accounting & Auditing Committee assists in planning the annual Not-For-Profit & Governmental Accounting Conference held in June and promotes improvements in providing professional services and excellence in financial reporting for governmental entities in Nebraska.
The Not-For-Profit Committee assists in planning the annual Not-For-Profit & Governmental Accounting Conference held in June, identifies and promotes educational opportunities for not-for-profit organizations and the practitioners who serve them, and disseminates relevant information regarding changes in accounting, auditing, reporting, and tax issues.
Past Chairmen
These outstanding men and women are all past chairmen of the Nebraska Society of CPAs. We thank each one of these individuals for sharing their exceptional leadership skills, their time, and their commitment to the Society and the profession over the years.
Political Education
The Board of Trustees of the Political Education Committee (PEC) works to protect, advance, and strengthen the CPA profession and the free enterprise system by collecting and distributing financial contributions to state legislative candidates for the Nebraska Unicameral to further those objectives.
Public Policy
The Public Policy Committee works to advance the CPA profession through proactive engagement with the Nebraska Legislature. Through advocacy and expert guidance, the committee educates legislators and engages with key stakeholders to influence policy decisions that best serve the public and the accounting profession. In addition, the committee assists with the Society’s lobbying activities and evaluates legislation to guide the advocacy efforts of the Society.
The Taxation Committee assists, informs, and advises Society members and governmental authorities on federal, state, and local tax matters and enhances public awareness of the CPA’s role in the field of taxation. The Taxation Committee also assists the Legislation Committee in monitoring, evaluating, and testifying on proposed federal and state tax legislation.
West Nebraska Chapter Board of Directors
The West Nebraska Chapter consists of members in the Nebraska Panhandle, which includes Sioux, Scotts Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Dawes, Box Butte, Morrill, Cheyenne, Sheridan, Garden, and Deuel counties.
Women in Accounting
The Women in Accounting Committee plans and promotes the Women in Accounting Summit and participates in the administration of that event.
Workforce Recruitment Campaign Task Force
The Workforce Recruitment Campaign Task Force is responsible for guiding and overseeing the Nebraska Society of CPAs’ initiative to inspire high school and college students to pursue careers in accounting. By working with Lincoln, Neb.-based, redthread to develop strategic outreach efforts, this task force aims to strengthen the future pipeline of talent entering the profession.